
TA: ICS 6B Boolean Algebra and Logic (Fall 2021)

Teaching Assistant

Instructor: CSE 102 Introduction to Analysis of Algorithms (UC SC, Fall 2020)

Graduate Student Instructor

TAs: W. Bolden; X. Zhang

Methods for the systematic construction and mathematical analysis of algorithms. Order notation, the RAM model of computation, lower bounds, and recurrence relations are covered. The algorithm design techniques include divide-and-conquer, branch and bound, and dynamic programming. Applications to combinatorial, graph, string, and geometric algorithms.

Initial Class Announcement


TA: CSE 102 Introduction to Analysis of Algorithms (UC SC, Spring 2020)

Teaching Assistant

Methods for the systematic construction and mathematical analysis of algorithms. Order notation, the RAM model of computation, lower bounds, and recurrence relations are covered. The algorithm design techniques include divide-and-conquer, branch and bound, and dynamic programming. Applications to combinatorial, graph, string, and geometric algorithms.

TA: CSE 101 Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms (UC SC, Fall 2018)

Teaching Assistant

Introduction to abstract data types and basics of algorithms. Linked lists, stacks, queues, hash tables, trees, heaps, and graphs will be covered. Students will also be taught how to derive big-Oh analysis of simple algorithms. All assignments will be in C/C++.Â